Who’s who?

Rev. Barnaby PerkinsRector
Barnaby has been the Rector (parish priest) of East and West Clandon since 2013. Please do get in touch with him directly if you want to discuss any pastoral matters, or if you are interested in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession).
Barnaby’s usual rest days are Friday and Saturday.
Barnaby’s usual rest days are Friday and Saturday.
Tel: 01483222573

Rev. Ruth BrothwellAssistant Priest
Ruth joined the Clandon Churches as assistant priest in 2020. Ruth is a Minister in Secular Employment, with a particular ministry in the workplace, beyond the tradition role of parish priest, but with a ministry still rooted in Word and Sacrament. Ruth works as a Borough Councillor.
Tel: 07825432177

Helen ShanksLicensed Lay Minister
Helen is the longest serving member of the Ministry Team, having been a Licensed Lay Minister for the last 25 years. Helen has a particular focus on the pastoral work of the church. She is also an excellent storyteller, and loves to find ways to incorporate creative writing into worship.
Tel: 0148322289

Sue AlgeoLicensed Lay Minister
Sue served as a Reader at St Paul’s Church, Beckenham and St George’s Church, Singapore before moving to East Clandon in 2018. She is a Licenced Lay Minister and enjoys preaching at both East and West Clandon churches. She is a retired teacher of Economics and Past Master of a City Livery Company.

Tessa ForbesChildren's Work Coordinator
Tessa is a former primary school music teacher and has been organising and leading children’s activities at the Clandons since 2015. Do get in touch with her if you’d like to find out what’s on offer for our families, including Sunday Club, All Age Eucharist services and our popular Messy Church.

Sebastian ForbesDirector of Music
Sebastian Forbes (composer, conductor, emeritus professor of music at the University of Surrey) has been Organist and Director of Music since 2006. In addition to his organ-playing, Sebastian directs our two church choirs – the Clandons Choir for festival occasions and the Schola Cantorum for special services.

Churchwarden VacancyChurchwarden (West Clandon)
Churchwarden vacancy

Bruce TindaleChurchwarden (East Clandon)
Bruce has been an East Clandon churchwarden since 2012. With Barnaby and Anne, the other East Clandon Churchwarden, Bruce is responsible for the day to day management of the Church in East Clandon. His particular focus is on building and churchyard maintenance.