At the Clandon Churches we work very hard to make sure that our churches are safe spaces for everyone and to ensure the care, well-being, and protection of all our children and vulnerable adults. We have Parish Safeguarding Officers a Parish Safeguarding Policy which is reviewed annually by our Church Councils. In addition all those who work with children and vulnerable adults have gone through an extensive recruitment process to ensure that they are safe to carry out their work. We adhere diligently to diocesan and national safeguarding guidelines and our Church Councils have adopted the Diocese of Guildford safeguarding policy which can be found here.
In the event of an emergency call 999 for the Police
Social Services website:
The Diocese Safeguarding Team website:
Our parish safeguarding officers are:
Alternatively, you can contact the Diocese of Guildford safeguarding advisor, Jackie Broadfoot
07918 559387 (email: