Marriage Application

Thank you for filling out our marriage application form. If you have any further questions please get in touch with the Parish Priest, Barnaby, on 01483 222 573, or at

    Wedding Details

    Qualifying Connection*

    Preferred wedding location*

    Bride & groom related by birth and/or marriage*

    Optional Extras*

    Bride's Details

    Previously married?*

    Previously in a Civil Partnership?*

    UK Citizen?*

    Groom's Details

    Previously married?*

    Previously in a Civil Partnership?*

    UK Citizen?*

    Required items

    Please tick this box to give your consent to send this information to us (for GDPR)

    For further details, please read our Privacy Policy here.

    Would you like us to publish details of your wedding in our church calendar so that church members can pray for you?

    Would you like to receive information about church events which we think might interest you?