We are privileged in the Clandons to have two beautiful Norman churches. We all want to make sure that our church buildings are well maintained, inviting and fit for purpose in the twenty-first century. But our churches are much more than beautiful buildings: they are houses of prayer where many people come to find peace in a hectic life. They are signs of God’s presence in our community, reminding all who see it that God is always there, waiting for us to return to him. And they are the principal resource of the church community as we seek to share the message of God’s love with our friends and neighbours.
In addition to its regular use for baptisms, weddings and funerals, we use our churches for an increasing number of activities which seek to make everyone, old and young, feel welcomed and cared for, and to find within the church a place where they can be nurtured, and grow spiritually. We have exciting plans for the future so that our churches reach even more people in our two villages.
However, keeping our churches going costs money. To do all that we do at the moment costs £90,000 per year, as well as a lot of generous volunteering! That is £1,730 per week.
All this money is raised locally. Our churches receive no funding from the government, except for the occasional grant; we don’t receive money from Church of England central funds, and we don’t have huge endowments providing regular income. Our churches rely entirely on our supporters.
Our churches bring hope, peace and love to many in our communities. If you would like to be part of that, please consider supporting us financially. If you would like to make a regular commitment, please contact us.
Alternatively, if you would like to make a one off donation you can contact us or press the button below.